Saturday, May 27, 2006

Stop Global Warming

Global Warming is real. It is happening. At a far more faster rate now than ever before. We all, each and every one of us, should be aware of the impacts of global warming. We should be aware of the impacts of OUR lifestyle on global warming. Each one of us, no matter how busy we are with work, family, children, vacation, hobbies, travel, latest gizmos, whatever, we have to be aware of the choices we make. We have to change our attitude. We have to change our lifestyle. Believe me, if each one of us as an individual changes his/her lifestyle, it would make a difference. A big difference. By using energy efficient fluorescent bulbs in your house in place of incandescent yellow bulbs, you can cut down carbon emissions. If each one of us chooses to do that, wouldn't it be a substantial decrease then? We still have time to act. Start by joining Let WE the people gather force, gather momentum. Together we can be heard. Together we can shake our governments, our leaders, our apartment committees, our neighbours from ignorance, apathy and inaction. What are we waiting for?


Blogger Preetam Reddy said...

It would be interesting to put things in a larger perspective. We may not be able to appreciate the result of our actions in any way but minute. However, multiply that by 15 million and you get what Mumbai does to global warming. Multiply that with 1.1 billion or 6 billion and ... Compound that with direct impacts to Mumbaikars in 20 / 50 years. Maybe then the magnitude would sink in more effectively.

4:31 PM  

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